With the comprehensive integration of the NextDent 5100 3D printer, Amann Girrbach customers now have the option of additive fabrication as part of the proven Ceramill workflow. Shortly after the announcement of the cooperation with 3D Systems, one of the largest manufacturers of 3D printers, the NextDent 5100 has now been fully integrated into the Ceramill system.
Compared to competitive systems, the 3D Systems' additive fabrication technology is up to four times faster and considerably more cost-effective. The NextDent 5100 can work with the industry's broadest portfolio of printing resins including 30 unique, biocompatible and CE-certified NextDent materials for a wide range of dental applications.
A major advantage for Ceramill users is the comprehensive integration of the NextDent 5100: the software interface for managing and editing 3D Systems files (3D Sprint software) has been fully integrated into the Amann Girrbach workflow and fits harmoniously into the system chain.
"With the addition of the NextDent 5100 to our Ceramill system, we can offer our customers an even more feature-rich workflow that makes them even more competitive and efficient," said Christian Ermer, Head of Product Management at Amann Girrbach. "Models as well as bridges, crowns and in the future, even indications in the area of prosthetics, can be fabricated extremely cost-effectively within the Ceramill workflow."
Saturday, 15 February, 2025