The Australian Society for Computerised Dentistry (ASCD) is staging it's fifth conference in September in Sydney. CadCamCon 5 will feature lectures targeted to clinical use of chairside CAD/CAM ceramic systems, covering tooth preparation, aesthetics, the science behind bonded restorations, occlusion and a host of other interesting topics.
The conference will further celebrate 25 years of CAD/CAM dentistry and the ASCD's formal recognition by the ADA and will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel September 3-5, 2010.
Single visit chairside construction of ceramic restorations is now a reality for more than 600 dentists in Australia and New Zealand. Computers have been used in record-keeping, diagnostic and treatment delivery modes in greater depth and breadth with each passing year. The Australian Society for Computerised Dentistry was formed on July 25, 2001 in Sydney in support of all these aspects of dentistry and an ASCD dental member normally has more than one area of interest in computerisation of their practices. They are also typically an active user of chairside ceramics as a key feature of their daily life.
Although originally an initiative of CEREC users, the ASCD has no formal links with any manufacturers of dental systems. Lasers, computed tomography, computerised occlusal analysis as well as digital radiography, photography, orthodontics and research have all been topics embraced by the Society in recent years.
The object of the Society is to foster interest and advance expertise in all these areas of dentistry as well as being a focus for excellence in chairside ceramics. The ASCD stages “CadCamCon”, its major conference, every two years and also hosts an Internet forum, 'AuSCD' on Yahoogroups. It also maintains formal affiliation with the International Society for Computerized Dentistry (the ISCD).
Membership during 2010 is being offered on a no-fee basis. During CadCamConference years, the membership fee supports organisational costs associated with staging the event and maintaining the website and secretariat.
Saturday, 15 February, 2025