Centaur Software has appointed Ms Danielle Grimmond as Sales Manager for the Northern Region of New South Wales.
Her role is to consult with existing customers and practices on digital imaging hardware needs and also any practices looking at upgrading to dental4windows from an existing practice management system or moving from a manual management system to join the dental4windows family. "Joining Centaur was an easy decision once I realised how committed the company is to customer service and care," Ms Grimmond said. "I have over 15 years of dental industry experience with 13 of those years working as a practice co-ordinator within a successful and busy practice, which also used dental4windows. I have spent the last couple of years employed with William Green as an Equipment Consultant, focused mainly on digital imaging equipment within dentistry across New Zealand. As a practice co-ordintaor using dental4windows, I certainly saw first-hand the commitment the company has to customer support and service. Once I realised they now also take that same approach and commitment to imaging hardware, I was sold." Since joining Centaur, Ms Grimmond has undergone extensive training on the new denta4windows version 11 as well as on their range of digital imaging equipment, making her uniquely positioned to either advise personally or have the resources of Centaur to draw on in helping each practice make that transition to digital and streamline their particular workflows. Ms Grimmond can be contacted on 0466-873-471 or via Centaur Software on 1300-855-966.
Sunday, 8 September, 2024