The first group of Australian dentists who purchased the new Hoya DELight dental laser recently attended an advanced training course at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies in Nevada, USA.
The course was organised by Hoya ConBio, the manufacturer of the DELight and sponsored by new Henry Schein Company and local distributors, Protec.
"Supporting our clients with the very best education to ensure they get the most from their new laser was our aim in sponsoring this initiative," said Protec director Mr Leslie Schneider.
"The programme was very professionally staged and we had excellent lecturers such as Drs Donald Coluzzi, John Graeber and Don Wilson, just to name a few of the experts in this field of dentistry. It was a great learning experience for everyone who attended."
Prior to attending the advance programme, the dentists completed a two-day comprehensive clinical training course in Melbourne, assisted by Prof. Laurie Walsh of the University of Queensland.
"The LVI course was attended by approx 100 dental practitioners and many of them are practising dentists and educators using the DELight dental laser successfully in their practices."
Topics covered at the LVI programme included vital pulpotomies with the DELight laser; apicoectomies and endodontics; soft tissue applications; Perio, hygiene and lasers; and marketing strategies for lasers in the dental practice.
"The next DELight laser training course is scheduled for October 2004 and we at Protec are looking forward to sharing the fantastic experience at LVI with another group of laser users."
Mr Schneider said they are also proud to announce that they we will be sponsoring Dr Larry Kotlow, who will be conducting a series of educational lectures on lasers for kids on 1 August in Sydney; 2 August in Melbourne; 4 August in Perth; and 5 August in Brisbane.
Saturday, 15 February, 2025