The new Smartbleach 3LT teeth whitening system which utilises a narrow-band laser-like light source is now available in Australia. Following extensive research and development, testing and subsequent trials in practices around the country, High Tech Laser Australia has commenced its full-scale rollout of the system developed in Belgium by Dr Peter Verheyen.
The new 3LT system produces the same natural-looking whitening effect that was previously only possible with the laser-based whitening system. The original Smartbleach system used a KTP laser (an Nd:YAG laser directed through a potassium titanyl phosphate crystal to produce a beam in the green visible spectrum at a wavelength proven to whiten teeth unaided) and a specially-formulated alkaline whitening gel. The result of this combination is a highly effective whitening process renowned for lifting traditionally tough-to-fix staining.
Whilst highly effective, using a laser as the light source also elevated the price to levels many practices considered prohibitive. The Smartbleach 3LT technology has replaced the laser and effectively cut the price by a factor of five.
"We've represented Smartbleach in Australia for many years and there was no denying the effectiveness of the KTP laser-based system," said High Tech Laser Australia Managing Director, Matt Moncrieff. "The two drawbacks of the original, however, were the $75,000 price tag and that it whitened tooth-by-tooth. Smartbleach 3LT overcomes these previous limitations and now costs less than 20% of the price and features a revolutionary in-mouth illuminator that ensures all teeth are exposed to the light source evenly unlike other in-office whitening systems.
"Australia has played a prominent role in developing the Smartbleach 3LT in conjunction with the manufacturers in Belgium and we've worked with them to ensure the product is perfect for the Australian and indeed world market. We have taken extra time to ensure that all of the advances in the new 3LT system work as expected and we now have a system we know delivers on the performance and reliability that busy practices demand."
As part of the extensive testing process, High Tech Laser seeded Smartbleach 3LT units in several practices around the country. Perth dentist Andrew Brostek was one of these and has been using the system at his practice since December 2010.
"We've been part of the prelaunch trial of the Smartbleach 3LT," Dr Brostek said. "We've had the system in the practice for 14 months and completed somewhere between 150 and 200 cases so far.
"Smartbleach 3LT has proven to be a very good system. The biggest problem with traditional whitening systems is rebound. You get a great result on the day but the teeth darken a few days later as they rehydrate and the enamel remineralises. A lot of this is caused by manufacturers using lamps that indiscriminately heat both the whitening gel and the tooth structure and by making bleaching gels with a low pH because this increases shelf life.
"Conversely, the whitening gel for the Smartbleach 3LT is alkaline, so it doesn't demineralise the teeth. We also get much better results because of the chemistry of the gel itself and the photo-chemical reaction of the green light selectively heating the colour agent in the gel.
"The other problem with teeth whitening has also been sensitivity during and after the procedure. This has been dramatically reduced with the Smartbleach 3LT and most people have either no reaction or it's very minor."
After completing an accreditation course conducted by Prof. Laurie Walsh, Dr Brostek's hygienist, Gabby Schneider, now performs the majority of the whitening.
"We're getting very good results with Smartbleach," Ms Schneider said. "We insist people have a clean first, usually the day before and on the day of treatment, we pumice, wash and dry the teeth, then apply the gingival barrier. We then mix the whitening gel, apply it and put the illuminator into the mouth and activate the light. We do three 9-minute sessions. The light switches off after 9 minutes. We check the teeth, then complete that process twice more. There is also no need to change the gel between each session.
"Patients are exceedingly happy with the results. I had the treatment and my canines were an A3.5 and ended up a B1 and they've stayed that shade a year later.
"All the patients who have had the Smartbleach procedure have come through word of mouth. I've been working here 12 years and I must say, we've done as many whitenings with the 3LT as we'd done in the 10 years before. It's just great and the demand is increasing."
Saturday, 7 September, 2024