Dental Ed is hosting The Italian Master Class Series: The Complete Direct & Indirect Aesthetic Pros Program with Italian legends Angelo Putignano and Mauro Fradeani at Sydney's Westin Hotel, August 7-8, 2014
The use of both direct and indirect restorations for the natural dentition have been the cornerstone of modern restorative dentistry for much of the decade. However the constant evolution of aesthetic materials and techniques is making the decision planning process increasingly complex and challenging for the modern dentist.
At this event, dentists have the opportunity to learn from two of the world's most renowned clinicians on the ideal restorative decision-making processes and material selection, as well as the best techniques to achieve aesthetic perfection and long-lasting outcomes.
Day 1 - Full Immersion in Fixed Prosthodontics Lecture with Mauro Fradeani
The aim of this first day is to outline a systematic approach to prosthetic rehabilitation, from a single restoration to full-mouth rehabilitation. It will help the clinician to confidently address comprehensive treatment planning involving bridges, crowns, veneers and onlays on natural dentition, as well as implants.
From the aesthetic, biological and functional viewpoints, the application of a tried and tested system represents an indispensable way of achieving optimal final results, particularly for complex rehabilitations. The ideal prosthetic treatment plan must allow an integration of all of these viewpoints. The aesthetic analysis will allow clinicians to optimise the prosthetic treatment plan, thanks to a simple and systematic approach to assessing facial, dento-labial, phonetic, dental and gingival factors. Biofunctional provisionals serve as a blueprint for the definitive prosthesis, providing all required information about shape, position, emergence profiles, arrangement of teeth and occlusion.
Material selection with the dental ceramist is fundamental in management of complex rehabilitation cases with porcelain crowns, bridges, implant abutments and veneers. All ceramic materials allow clinicians to achieve excellent aesthetic results in the anterior area for crown and veneers fabrication. Clinical and technical suggestions for obtaining aesthetic and durable results will be covered in comprehensive detail.
Day 2 - The Styleitaliano Conservative Advantage with Angelo Putignano (Morning)
The standard guidelines of modern direct restorative dentistry include good adhesion, minimal invasiveness and long-lasting aesthetic outcomes. Composite materials are now leading the market as a permanent and universal restorative solution and there is no treatment planning that does not include the use of such materials for sealing in anterior and posterior restorations.
Understanding the advantages and limitations of composite materials is fundamental for all dentists as a superficial approach to the use of these materials may lead to failure and non-productive chair work time. Nowadays, more than ever before, dentists need to understand the practical applications of composites or, more importantly, how to choose the ideal material on the market, taking into consideration mechanical and aesthetic outcomes and when to choose indirect or direct techniques in treatment planning. Moreover, dentists need to know how to evaluate the use of composites not only in the conservative field, but also in the prosthetic one; both for provisional and permanent solutions.
To properly plan the patient's treatment, it is important for dentists to focus on the long-lasting aesthetic outcome as well as the clinical working chair time to reach it. With these clear objectives in mind, the dilemma for many is whether to use composites, ceramics, or both.
Day 2 - Full Immersion in Fixed Prosthodontics Lecture with Mauro Fradeani (Afternoon)
The use of All-Ceramic partial restorations represents a valid alternative to traditional complete crown restorations. The availability of a wide range of ceramic materials (glass ceramic, alumina and zirconia) permits the achievement of excellent, long lasting aesthetic results. Indications, advantages and disadvantages of every type of ceramic material available in the market will be discussed. In additon, their use for the fabrication of bridges, crowns, veneers, full veneers, buccal, occlusal veneers, table tops and implant abutments. Long term data studies will be provided in this presentation to highlight points.
Saturday, 15 February, 2025