Whether it's resin-based or glass ionomer-based, SDI has all your cementing needs covered! All of SDI's cements contain ionglass which has been developed by SDI's scientists and is specifically designed to release a consistently high dose of fluoride over a prolonged period of time. The proprietary glass formulation serves as a caries preventation system by providing replenishment of fluoride to the oral environment.
seT - Self Etching, Self Adhesive Resin Cement - available in capsules and also paste/paste syringes (seT PP) - are SDI's all-in-one, radiopaque encapsulated resin cements. They etch, bond and fill with just one component. Simply apply seT or seT PP and seat your prosthesis.
Riva Luting Plus is a resin modified glass ionomer luting cement, designed for final cementation of metal, PFM and resin crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays plus ceramic inlays and crowns. Riva Luting Plus chemically bonds to dentin, enamel and all types of core material. It quickly flows into the preparation and its low film thickness allows the seating of tight fitting indirect restorations. Riva Luting Plus is available in capsules and in powder/liquid sets in one universal light yellow shade.
Riva Luting is a conventional glass ionomer luting cement indicated for use when you need an easy self cured mix, a very high fluoride release, great adhesion to metal and tooth surfaces and good radiopacity. Riva Luting is a glass ionomer luting cement with extremely high fluoride release maximising caries prevention. Its very low film thickness ensures the material will quickly and evenly flow into the preparation. Riva Luting is available in capsules and in powder/liquid sets in one universal light yellow shade.
Friday, 14 February, 2025